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Practice Areas

Staff & Leadership Development

Staff and Leadership Development

We will help you create a common nomenclature to improve communication internally: About customer needs; About your team’s perception of value; About competitive threat, customer inertia, and market forces. And we will help your team track and measure opportunities so you can hit the sweet spot where the “numbers-game”, unrelenting pressure, relationship building, and value selling intersect.

Why would I want to do this?

Because… These are the people to whom you’ve delegated the continued success of your business. You want them to be highly skilled, thoroughly trained, smart as a whip, and incredibly resourceful. You need to make sure all of your organization communicates the right value proposition to the right audience in the right way. With our help, the majority of the team that you have in place right now, will do very well. 


We will teach your entire organization to become customer obsessed.

We work with clients who are committed to elevate their team, to change how they view the customer, and give them actionable and proven skills and tools that will generate success for our client and success for their team.

We get in the trenches with them, we run sales calls, we fine-tune strategy, we tweak workshops and training programs to reflect the real world. And by working together we create the kind of organization that can take on anyone – and win.

How to focusing on your customer’s business needs, then how your team can find what success looks like to the customer, help the customer see the risk of failure, and present the solution to your customer in a way that recognizes their individual needs and their unique perception of value.

Will our current sales team take us to the next level of growth and success? And if the answer is no – whose fault is that? What significant change can we enact – what quantum shift can we invoke – to show this is not just another feel-good training workshop? Or another well-intentioned “growth program?”

If your staff doesn’t feel as if they are growing, if they do not see improvements–they will leave and work for a competitor, or they will give up, they become ambivalent.

The company wonk grow, the staff won’t grow and revenue will not grow if you don’t give them the tools to do so.

We will assess what you need, which is unique to each company and to each individual.

Then, we will construct meaningful staff development program, which could mean workshops, presentations on best practices, or conversations with each person on proven methodologies.

You need to recognize that selling in the 20-teens and 20-twenties is unrecognizable from what we dealt with in the 1990s and 2000s. And we will show you what that means.

It is simple. With us you will have higher group performance, higher individual performance, better satisfaction, better results, better interactions with customers, and better staff retention.

What happens if we don’t do this?

You can improve results for a while with a new go-to-market program. You can tinker with your branding strategy, print some new brochures, and add some extra functionality to your offerings; but those only give incremental or short-time improvements – and you need “the big change.” And you need it …. now!


We provide the hard and soft skills that are needed to re-architect how you interact with your customers and how you manifest the belief that one size does not fit all. We work with every customer-facing and customer-exposed group in your company to help them become customer-aware – and from there, customer-obsessed.

This is a huge step forward for your company – and it starts with a single phone call or meeting with us.