Tel: +1 (434) 989-2434 Fax: +1 (434) 823-5985

Laura E. Smith Partner - Media, Advertising


How I started with Hillspoint

I joined Hillspoint as employee – actually partner – number 2 in 2003, after a lengthy career in advertising and marketing, working across a broad spectrum of industries and vertical markets – from print publishing to pharmaceuticals, from a small regional boutique to a global powerhouse.

Every position I’ve held, every project I’ve managed, every client I’ve helped has proved the importance of tailoring every message and every approach so it resonates with the individual customer trying to achieve a specific business outcome. It won’t surprise you to learn that I hold the same deep rooted beliefs as my colleagues that every customer, every company and every business issue is different. And the way to achieve exceptional performance from your team is to reinvent your firm, your business processes and your business strategies so they become perfectly aligned with your customers.

How many times have you heard that it’s important sales and marketing become better aligned, and product development and user support work harder to build stronger bridges. That’s a pretty large bunch of misdirected waffle!! Whether or not your internal divisions are in sync is secondary – get them aligned with your customer – today! Or better yet – call us and we’ll work with you to make it happen.

Straight Talk